Water levels on Georgian Bay have remained above the high-water-level-mark, for most of the summer, where as in Muskoka water levels have varied drastically throughout the Fall, Winter and Spring months.  Both of these situations, (high water or draw downs followed by floods associated with freeze thaw cycles) can pose a major problem for property managers and waterfront property owners, as the ice on the lakes can wreak havoc on decks, docks, cribs and piers. Even in sheltered areas, one of the largest sources of damage is associated with jacking and suspension issues, which without a Bubbler System is a more than likely outcome.

One of the most effective deicing systems for structures is a BubbleTubing® Thawline™, where depth is sufficient these systems offer a number of advantages to waterfront property owners and or property managers seeking solutions to what is increasing becoming an even more challenging winter environment.

Video Below: Deiceair on-site, installing a custom BubbleTubing® Thawline™ system for a client on Georgian Bay where the record high water levels can be seen, with water over some of the decks. 

Our BubbleTubing® Thawline™ systems allows owners and property managers to control the amount of open water around structures like docks and boathouses and their supporting structures.

Using our custom BubbleTubing® linear diffusers mated to our commercial grade continuous duty compressors (available in 1/4HP, 1/2HP and 3/4HP) our Thawline™ systems can be custom designed to follow specific contours and shapes of docks to keep decking and supports free of damaging ice.  Our efficient Quiet-Run, Compressors, and use between 3.2 and 6.9 Amps, offering low cost operation.  Another great benefit of BubbleTubing® based Thawline™ systems is that there are no moving parts in the water, and no electricity in the water, only air.

Owners of finished Boathouses who are worried about liability will enjoy the system’s ability to maintain a tight envelope of open water, while also contributing far less humidity to the air inside of the boat-house compared to operating traditional agitators that open large areas of water and create more surface disturbances, hoar-frost and humidity.

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