We had a client with an unusual amount of depth in Muskoka, who needed a Bubble Tubing Thawline system to protect their boathouse from winter Ice damage.

We used a professional diver to manipulate the line of Bubble Tubing at depths beyond 25 Feet around obstacles to provide a curtain effect across the front of the boat house

Muskoka has seen a new normal of freeze thaw cycles over the last few years, which tend to include rain events. This means water can rise Higher than the High-Water-Mark even after preventative draw downs.  This influx of water, floats naturally buoyant ice upwards and into Decks and other structures like Piers and Beams and Crib Work. This Ice Jacking effect can be extremely damaging to docks and boat houses. There is also a reverse effect of high water where water (without deicing) can freeze around a structure and decking, when the lake levels are drawn down the full weight (which can be thousands of pounds) is left suspended from dock and structural components, again leading to damage and stress. Even deep water structures can be damaged by the new normal in Muskoka and Ontario.  Our efficient systems can help to prevent costly repairs and replacement associated with ice damage.

Our Thawline system which uses curtains of air bubbles provided by Bubble Tubing to open the necessary amount of water around and under structures, and is one of the most effective methods of preventing Ice Jacking during High Water, and Suspension damage from excess weight of ice clinging to structures during draw-downs of lake levels. Book your install today and help protect your investment.

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