Interesting Phosphorus Removal Project in Wisconsin
With Fall coming and Winter on the way, now is the time to think about what aeration system is going to keep your Koi Pond in the When it comes to keeping small ponds from freezing and the O2 flowing, Deiceair's SAS and [...]
The Positives and the Negatives of Rain Water Because rainwater contains nitrogen, in multiple forms that plants are able to absorb, and plants need nitrogen to grow. Farmers have noticed that rainwater amplifies plant growth more so than water from other sources. Obviously [...]
After a hot summer, rain events, on the hinge, of autumn, can worsen algae and muck issues in a pond. Debris and other nutrients being washed into a pond by rain, can easily destabilize the natural balance in a contained body of water. [...]
There's no question that a Bubble Tubing® based CanadianAir™ System, is the best for Trout... More Oxygen, less mixing, and cleaner, clearer water! Although Bubble Tubing® can also be used for mixing, this system can provide far better aeration with less de-stratification, which [...]