Types of Ice Damage

Ice damage will happen.

Causes of Damage to Boathouses, Docks and Shoreline Assets

Deicing involves using knowledge of water physics.

Ice Sheet Expansion

Also known as pressure ridges on lakes. Because, when ice forms and thickens, it also expands. Water expands its volume by up to 9% when it goes turns to ice. So ice expands constantly. By late winter boats, boathouses and docks get damaged. The ice sheets expand and trap boats and their structures and create costly pressure damage.

Ice Jacking

Best described in this video. Ice jacking happens when the ice grips onto structures and lifts or shifts those structures when water levels fluctuate. Structural damage occurs to posts, piles or dock structures. Ice Jacking happen unless a de-icing system is used. DEICEair.ca has a variety of deicing solutions to fit your circumstances and protect your shoreline assets.

Ice Flow Damage

Known as ice shove, ice surge, ice heave or shoreline ice pileup. This condition is created when the ice sheet melts around the lake perimeter in spring, when strong winds to move the ice sheet onto shore. A dramatic instance seen on this clip from Dauphin Lake Manitoba near Winnipeg.  Ice flow damage occurs in association with pressure ridge formation.

We recommend deicing solutions unique to you. No deicing projects are the same. We consider and assess water depths, size of deicing area, types of structure, location, temperature variations, available power and environmental factors.

Systems are custom designed according to your site requirements.

Protect your Boats, Boathouses and Docks.

Call DEICEair.ca Today! 705.789.6663 sales@deiceair.ca

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